Some projects call for simple solutions, while other projects push the limits to come up with a plan that will be both smooth and functional. For us, this project was a perfect example of the latter and called for a great deal of communication, teamwork, and planning.

The Mission

Our goal was to create separate and secure areas. With our primary customer being a gun manufacturer, security was of the utmost importance. As we worked on building out an existing building and then participating in the construction of a brand-new building, we planned to:

  • Create space for manufacturing and storage
  • Build a high-security environment
  • Create many secure and controlled areas
The Challenge

While we typically have one customer to communicate with, in this case, we had essentially two customers as we worked with both the general contractor and end-user to make this open facility, secure and partitioned. 

The Solution

For this project, we used WireCrafters’ style 840 partitions. These partitions were served as mesh fencing and stood 15’ 5 ¼” in height. These gray finished partitions didn’t have ceilings and used double-hinged doors standing 7’ tall, which employed custom magnetic locks for key card access.

WireCrafters has been run by the same family since its inception in 1967. With long term experience and a variety of products, their mesh fences were perfect for the job. For more information on WireCrafters, click here.

The Results

Some applications for rooms within the gun manufacturing building included:

  • Wood CNC Checkering
  • Assembly/Finishing Cells
  • Product Services
  • Custom Shop
  • Tool Room
  • Tech Center
  • And other such areas 

As previously stated, this project had many moving parts. As we worked through this build-out, we had to frequently coordinate with the general contractor and move from phase to phase to make the project come together. There were many modifications and change orders involved in order to provide our customers with a finished product they were pleased with.

McGee Storage and Handling can help you too! If you’re looking for a storage and handling company that can provide experience and flexibility, contact us!