Supply Technologies is an international supply management company that focuses on streamlining manufacturers’ supply chain process by providing components necessary for manufacturing product in a timely and efficient manner. With over 40 years in the industry, 70 facilities, and 1,200 employees globally, this company operates on a massive scale. For this project, we focused on their Suwannee location, which is their only Georgia facility.

The Mission

Due to Supply Technologies’ growth demands, they needed to move from one facility to another with more space. McGee Storage and Handling was hired to maximize their usable space while accommodating storage for materials of various sizes. We installed 2,500 feet of wire guidance and rack protection throughout the facility. We also installed:

  • 340 bays with 9 beam levels, 28 feet tall, with a very narrow aisle system for pallet storage 
  • 30 bays with 6 beam levels, also 28 feet tall, for oversized pallet storage
  • 70 sections of rivet shelving for small parts and less than carton orders

However, equipment installation wasn’t the only phase of the project. We were also hired to dismantle the pallet racks, wire partitions, and cantilever racking systems in the original facility in phases to enable a smooth transition from one facility to another with no downtime. To accomplish this, we did some preparation at the original facility at the front end of the project, then looped back around at the end to fully dismantle the old facility.

The Challenge

Facility expansions and relocations always come with a unique set of challenges as we work hard to eliminate the need for downtime for the client to avoid loss of revenue. Since this was a relocation, we needed to have a quick turnaround time. We had to get the project through the permit process and have the install completed immediately before dismantling the original facility. Apart from the quick turnaround time, we also had to ensure that the installation process was flawless. With such narrow aisle systems, there was no room for error or else the entire system would have to be broken down and rebuilt.

The Solution

With no room for error or delays, we carefully planned each phase of the installation and dismantle process. We fully utilized our available labor and rental equipment to meet the client’s deadline, and thanks to careful planning, we were able to cut the labor time down by a full week, putting us ahead of schedule!

The Results

We were able to install 7,120 labels and provide a brand new, turnkey facility that meets the growing needs of Supply Technologies. There was no downtime in the transition from one facility to the other as we were able to get their new facility fully operational 2 weeks before the original facility closed its doors. They now have 7,220 pallet positions in a narrow aisle system and can continue to grow as needed.

Old Facility

New Facility