You will be hard-pressed to find someone that’s never heard of Porsche, a German car manufacturer known across the world for their high-performance sports cars, sedans, and SUVs. McGee secured this 2020 project, to move the racking systems from their existing Atlanta Parts Distribution Center to a new, 200,000 square foot facility. The Atlanta distribution center services Porsche dealerships and their online business, allowing dealers and private customers alike to purchase the parts they need. To help in the organization and storing of these parts, McGee stepped in to assist in the layout and flow within the new facility.

The Mission

A plethora of high-end Porsche parts calls not only for the proper storage equipment but also for security. It was McGee’s job to make sure they had the appropriate shelving to store both large and small car parts, including bumpers, engine parts, mufflers, and more. With all of these expensive items, Porsche needed to have an area that was both secure and functional – that’s where McGee Storage and Handling came in. Fun fact: Porsche keeps new car parts in stock, but they also keep an inventory of original car parts for collectors. This way Porsche dealerships and customers can keep even the classic Porsches in pristine condition. Imagine how much space is needed to keep all of these parts in stock!

The Challenge

This was a large project that required significant planning and project coordination. It seems no large job is without challenges, and these were some of ours:

  • The Porsche Distribution Center continued normal business operations during the transition, which added a layer of complexity as we had to execute the job without stunting the productivity of Porsche employees.
  • Many of our tasks were dependent on Porsche removing materials from their existing space.
  • Multiple contractors were working simultaneously, making coordination vital.
The Solution

The success of the job came down to two things: coordination and communication. With multiple schedules, vendors, and contractors coming into play, the McGee team worked tirelessly to ensure we were able to stick to our schedule without inhibiting the progress of other contractors and Porsche.

The Results

At the conclusion of this project, we were able to increase the space needed for the growing storage required of Porsche’s parts distribution facility. We installed pallet racking and wire partitions for the secure housing of high-end items. Other areas were also secured, including entrance into the facility, as well as selected shelving areas and modular offices.