Project Implementation: Where the Rubber Hits…Your Facility!

It is often said that the sales pitch that was purchased was much better than the reality. Why is that? Sales and sales support work up a solution, presenting spreadsheets and drawings. A great deal of collaborative dialogue goes into the best solution to meet the client's needs and desires. A purchase order is cut…and then it's time to fulfill the solution.

At McGee Storage and Handling, we recognize that our clients have entrusted us to implement an agreed-upon solution and have opened their doors to people they often do not know in hopes of receiving what it is that they purchased. The size, scope, and length of the project makes no difference to McGee. Proper project implementation is at McGee's core to helping our customers achieve their storage and handling goals.

A Typical Project at McGee

Our Sales Team

McGee's sales team operates with a cooperative approach with presenting a solution to our clients. Along with our salesperson, we gather input from our own internal experts from engineering and drafters to all types of resources from our vendor partners. A McGee salesperson is the closest person to the client and project throughout the entire process, helping the whole team achieve the goals set on day one.


McGee's accounting team is the first to act. They work with our clients to make sure we have the right billing and credit information on hand to keep the necessary materials coming in on time. Nothing can be ordered or implemented until our accounting paperwork is in line and all is agreed upon. 

Project Coordination 

The next step is a review of the project by one of our three project coordinators. They'll be reviewing to ensure all the steps reach completion, and attack the work order with a mindset of, "if I was the lead installer, do I have all the information needed to install this project?" This check list includes:

  • Jobsite Contact and Phone Number
  • Details of project including all support documents (verbal description / Drawings)
  • Is the project being permitted?
  • Jobsite hours of availability 
  • Work area accessibility
  • Dock and/or ramp available
  • Lift Equipment needed for the installation
  • Any hazards or unique concerns of the jobsite

Suppliers & Inventory

Next, we'll follow up with our supplier partners and check our inventory. Our team needs to be sure they have received the order and it is accurate, matches information included in the work order, as well as checking to be sure McGee's inventory is available. Our project coordinators are always aware of what is shipping, and when it's expected. McGee prefers to handle all shipping details to assure we are fully aware of the product status. Initial implementation dates are always communicated to our clients, and an agreed upon date is set.

Communication is Key

Most importantly, through the entire project, the McGee team continues to communicate with the client. We'll check in a week in advance and then two days in advance, to ensure there are no unexpected surprises. Product should never show up at a jobsite without the full knowledge of our contact. There are times when a piece of the project may be delayed for any number of reasons, but our team will always communicate and adjust as early as possible to allow our clients to plan accordingly.

Project Lift-Off

Finally, the project begins with a meeting with the client's project contact to be sure all is understood and any jobsite hazards and/or issues are discussed. The project concludes with a walk-through with the same project contact to inspect, and sign off on the project. This document is the final document that you will find in the McGee Project Work Order. Our job is not over until the client has approved the finished result.

At McGee Storage & Handling, our team's culture is to perform above the expectation of our clients. If a client emails or calls us to get status of their project, we have failed. The core of what we do is to implement the agreed upon solution to the satisfaction of the client. That is what brings our clients back to us time and time again.
Thank you to all our clients and for those reading this blog who have not entrusted McGee to implement a project, we are here and ready to prove ourselves.

Give us a call at 770-458-4346 or visit our website for more information.

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